Mercury Management Plan (MMP)

When Exploration, Production, Process, Transport and Service companies encounter Mercury, and its compounds, within the industrial environment the issues this contaminant poses may not be well known or fully understood, especially in regard to their specific scope(s) or process(es).

It is now more commonly known that Mercury, and its compounds, pose a threat for environmental release or emission, personal safety and of course asset integrity but the challenge is to be able to understand exactly why and in what way, so that it can it be prevented, reduced or eliminated.

THIS prides itself on being able to provide full Mercury Management Plans (MMP) specifically tailored to the client’s needs and requirements including, but not limited to;

  • Surveys of all onshore and offshore facilities
  • Mercury mass balance and mapping across process facilities
  • Mercury health risk assessment and management
  • Assessment, design and implementation of personnel biological monitoring programs
  • Assessments of waste management and logistics practices and contractors
  • Gap analysis and assessment of all procedures, methods and regulations
  • Assessment and training on sampling and analytical procedures and practices
  • Mercury removal techniques, systems and technologies
  • Third party laboratory assessment
  • Assessment and implementation of online, offline and atmospheric monitoring programs
  • Assessment of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used and applicability to work environments
  • Training and consultation on choosing the correct PPE and adapting to changes in work and combined-contaminant environments
  • Respiratory Protective Device (RVD) assessment, maintenance and training programs
  • Asset Integrity and Process assessment and consultancy
  • Personnel and equipment decontamination methods, supporting equipment, choice of chemicals and optimised practices
  • Assessment and training on Confined Space Entry (CSE) operations
  • Assessment and training for detection, monitoring and analysis of mercury (and its species) in different phases, materials and environments
  • Assessment, design and implementation of Contingency Plans

Components can be carried out selectively or included as part of a complete and comprehensive package, finishing with a detailed and tailored plan complete with training and implementation support.

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